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About Cobalt

Cobalt is an essential trace element, and forms part of the active site of vitamin B12.
The amount we need is very small, and the body contains only about 1 milligram.

Facts Cobalt

While the properties of cobalt are used for many purposes in everyday life,
here are some of the most notable facts about cobalt:

If cobalt could be found in nature, it would appear silvery-blue and be extremely brittle. Cobalt does occur naturally on Earth, but in combination with other elements, such as nickel and copper.

For centuries, cobalt was only used to make dyes, and later, magnets. Demand for the transition metal has skyrocketed recently as it has become an essential part of lithium-ion batteries.

A manmade isotope, Cobalt-60, is widely used in cancer treatments. The radiation this radioactive isotope releases is used to blast cancerous tumors, and is often used to treat brain tumors, as this kind of radiation facilitates the extreme precision needed.

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