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About Coltan

Coltan is short for Columbite-tantalite - a black tar-like mineral found in major quantities in the Congo.. The Congo possesses 80 percent of the world's coltan. When coltan is refined it becomes a heat resistant powder that can hold a high electric charge.

Facts Coltan

While the properties of Coltan are used for many purposes in everyday life,
here are some of the most notable facts about Coltan:

Coltan may be an important mineral when it comes to the construction of electronics, but as mentioned above, the methods used to mine it are not cutting edge at all.

Roughly two-thirds of tantalum is used to manufacture electronic capacitors, a fundamental component of smartphones and other in-demand electronics. Tantalum has contributed hugely to the miniaturization of handheld electronic devices as it allows an electrical charge to be stored in small capacitors. For this reason alone, it’s easy to see the value coltan plays in modern life.

There has also been a push towards holding mining companies accountable for the integrity and validity of their supply chains. This has led to talks about integrating supply chain due diligence through the blockchain and increasing government intervention to better monitor and control the sourcing of coltan and its by-product metals.

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